Portada » The basics of light and color
The basis of light and color
Programming and content of module III
This module of the
introductory course in painting
provides a solid base on the theory of light and color, fundamental when learning to paint.
Throughout the lessons we will understand its physical foundations and we will deepen our understanding of concepts such as tonal value and chiaroscuro.
We will study the chromatic circle, the concepts of temperature, luminosity and saturation, the importance of complementary tones and the use of broken tones in painting.
We will get to know the harmony in the palettes and we will talk about important aspects of color psychology .In this section we show you a free
free lesson of the online introductory course of drawing and painting.
Topic 1 - Light and color
- Introduction to light and color management
- The visible spectrum
- Human perception of the visible spectrum
You will get in touch with the importance of understanding the theory of light and color, as well as the interrelationship between them,…
Light and color go hand in hand, one cannot exist without the other; that is why, to better understand how we perceive the world, colors, … it is necessary to talk about light, visual perception and the visible spectrum.
Topic 2 - Chiaroscuro vs. color
- Lights, shadows and gloom
- The tonal value of color
- Tonal value table
- From color to chiaroscuro
Once we have seen the theory of light and color, we are going to start working with the chiaroscuro technique, in parallel to color, in order to obtain good results in our works.
Now that we know how to value form, thanks to drawing, we are going to focus on the stain, that is, light and color, beginning to mix all the knowledge we have been acquiring to work with chiaroscuro.
Topic 3 - Basic theory of subtractive color synthesis
- The chromatic circle
- Color wheel
- Polychromy
- Color temperature
- Concepts of brightness and saturation
- Brightness transitions
- Saturation transitions
- Theory of complementary tones
- Transitions between complementary and broken tones
Getting right into light and color, we are going to see such important concepts as the chromatic circle, transitions of luminosity and saturation, complementary tones and broken tones.
Let’s start to really get to know color theory, that is, what color mixtures are like and how the visible color spectrum works.
Topic 4 - Color and its sensations
- Color psychology
- Correct application of oil paint
- Warm trends and cold trends
In this topic we are going to talk about the sensations that each color provokes in us, about what the different colors transmit to us, taking into account cultural differences and subjective perceptions.
We will also review the technique of oil painting, for a correct application of this paint.
Topic 5 - The importance of complementary and broken tones
- Working with complementary
- Fine-tuning by layering
- Free exercise with different temperatures and complementary tones
In this topic you will be able to put into practice what you have learned throughout the module, starting to work with complementary tones and different temperatures.
We will offer you some more complex practices, so that you can evaluate your evolution.
This is just a small brushstroke...
We offer you this free lesson of the introductory course so that you can test our teaching method.
Discover a lesson from this module on the basics of light and color.
In this lesson you will learn the basics of the chromatic circle so that you can make a good color mixture in your paintings from scratch.
Take a look at the dossier with the complete painting course schedule for information on each of the 10 modules and the end-of-course project block, which make up this Beginners + Advanced Painting and Drawing Course.
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Once we have the base in drawing… what do I need to know to be able to paint? what colors should I use? What is color theory?
In this module of the c
ursus of initiation in painting and drawing online
we will teach you basic and important aspects, in order to paint your works, such as the chromatic circle, the concepts of temperature, luminosity and saturation or the complementary tones. It is necessary to be clear about all these concepts, in order to enter the world of painting and to be able to reflect in our works what we see or feel, thanks to light and color.
Below you will find a free lesson from each module of the online painting and drawing course.
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Beginners Course + Advanced – 7 free days of painting and drawing