The Arnolfini Marriage by Jan Van Eyck. A painting loaded with symbolism

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Hello, artenauta! If on other occasions we have talked about paintings with hidden messages, today we are going to analyze one of the works that cannot be missing in this classification: The Arnolfini Marriage. A painting loaded with symbolism.

The Arnolfini couple

  • The portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his wife or The Arnolfini Marriage is an oil painting dated in , is one of the most famous works of the Flemish painter Jan Van Eyck.
  • This masterpiece depicts Giovanni Arnolfini, a wealthy Italian merchant, and his wife, Giovanna Cenami, who settled in the city of Bruges.
  • The work is mainly characterized by:
    • The level of detail with which each element of the scene is represented (observe clothing, furniture, etc.).
    • The mastery of light and perspective. Velázquez was inspired by this work for the realization of Las Meninas.
    • Naturalism: Van Eyck intended to show, as accurately as possible, reality.
    • The hieratism of the images (including the dog), whose lack of movement makes them look more like statues than people.
El matrimonio Arnolfini de Jan Van Eyck

Symbology of the painting The Arnolfini Marriage

  • The non-verbal language of the couple. Through their posture and gestures they reflect the role that each one fulfills within the marriage: he represents the severity and moral power of the house, while she, with her head bowed, represents submission and motherhood.
  • Pregnancy. Actually, she was not pregnant, but in the 15th century, when the portrait was made, but during that time it was customary to represent women with bulging bellies as a symbol of fertility.
  • Bed. It symbolizes the continuity of the lineage and the family name. It refers to the place where one is born and dies.
  • Dog. It refers to sincerity and love. The breed of the dog shows the high status of the marriage.
  • Oranges. Fruit imported from southern Europe and, therefore, a luxury in the north.
  • Sandals. Both characters are barefoot, symbolizing the union with the floor of the home and that a religious ceremony was taking place. Hers are located next to the bed, since she is the one in charge of the home, and his are located near the exit of the room, because he is the figure responsible for going outside to maintain the house economically.
  • Lamp. It has a lighted candle, symbol of the flame of love.
  • Carpet. Placed next to the bed, a luxurious imported item, it is another proof of the couple’s economic status.

Did you find it interesting? We invite you to observe and analyze this work to find these and other details loaded with symbolism present in it. If you want to visit it in person, it is on display at the National Gallery in London.

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