Privacy Policy

Updated May 25, 2018

Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

Postal Address: Calle Jerónimo del Moral 15 – 28350 Ciempozuelos Madrid

These Terms of Use regulate the use of the website (hereinafter “”) owned by ESCUELA DIGITAL NUEVA GENERACIÓN S.L., registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, Entry 47 of Journal 133, and recorded in Inscription 1 of page M-718308, folio 30 of volume 40451 of the file, Entry: 1.

We are responsible for the secrecy and security of your data

Secrecy and security of your data

The personal data you provide in the completion of any form on the website, contact, or sending an email to any of our mailboxes will be part of the files owned by ARTEESCUELA.COM. The aforementioned files are registered in the General Registry of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, which the user can access to check their status.

ARTEESCUELA.COM is committed in the use of the data included in the file, to respect its confidentiality and to use them in accordance with the purpose of the same, as well as to comply with its obligation to save them and adapt all measures to prevent alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1720/2007 of December 21, which approves the Regulation of development of Law 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data.

You guarantee that the personal data, provided through these forms, are truthful, being obliged to communicate any modification of the same. You also guarantee that all the information provided corresponds to your actual situation, that it is up to date and accurate.

You must also keep your data updated at all times, being solely responsible for the inaccuracy or falsity of the data provided and the damages that may be caused by it to ARTEESCUELA.COM as owner of the Website, or third parties due to the use of such personal data.

With respect to information sent by minors under 16 years of age, it will be an essential requirement that the sender has previously obtained the consent of the parent, guardian or legal representative so that the personal data can be subject to automated processing.

ARTEESCUELA.COM is not responsible for the misuse of passwords that you may carry out as a user. It is your responsibility as a user to properly safeguard your keys and passwords that we provide you for your access as a user, preventing misuse or access by third parties.

ArtSchool. com reserves the right to use the work done by the students (both proposed practices delivered for correction by the teachers, as well as free exercises that you send us by any means, for educational and/or commercial purposes. Its use will be made while maintaining the anonymity of the author, unless he/she expressly wishes so.

Security Breaches

In ARTEESCUELA.COM we adopt reasonably adequate security measures to detect the existence of viruses. However, you should be aware that the security measures of computer systems on the Internet are not entirely reliable and that, therefore, we cannot guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements that may cause alterations in the User’s computer systems (software and hardware) or in your electronic documents and files contained therein.

Also, ARTEESCUELA.COM has an active security monitoring system that reports every user activity and possible breaches in the security of user data. If any breach is detected, we commit to inform users within 72 hours.



ARTEESCUELA.COM is legitimized for the processing of their data to carry out the provision of services that users have contracted. ARTEESCUELA.COM takes the protection of your privacy and personal data very seriously. Therefore, your personal information is kept secure.

In ARTEESCUELA.COM we always require the prior consent of users to treat your personal data for the purposes indicated. The data collected are adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the scope, purposes and services determined, explicit and legitimate ARTEESCUELA.COM.

The acceptance of this Privacy Policy implies the express consent of the User to the processing of the personal data provided. However, the User may revoke the consent, in each commercial or advertising communication that is sent to him/her, and at any time, by notifying the following e-mail address or by letter addressed to the postal address of ARTEESCUELA.COM.


The data of users registered through the forms provided for this purpose on the website will be treated with the utmost confidentiality for the following purposes:

  • In order to carry out the contracting of our services.
  • The resolution of any type of question or incident that may arise in relation to the contracted services.
  • Send you commercial and promotional communications related to the services of ARTEESCUELA.COM by letter, telephone, e-mail, SMS, MMS fax or equivalent means of electronic communication under the terms established by Law 34/2002, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.

In order to carry out the processing described in the previous section, we inform you that ARTEESCUELA.COM may carry out profiling and segmentation of your data in order to send communications relevant to your interests.

Logging of data processing activities

Web and hosting: ARTEESCUELA.COM has a SSL TLS v.1.2 encryption that allows the secure sending of personal data through standard contact forms, hosted on servers that ARTEESCUELA.COM has contracted.

Newsletter subscription forms: ARTEESCUELA.COM uses ARTEESCUELA.COM’s newsletter service, a company located in the European Union, which stores your email address, name and subscription acceptance. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by clicking on a specific link at the bottom of each mailing you receive.

Purchase form: To access the products and services offered in our online store, the user has a purchase form subject to the terms of contract specified in our terms of use where you will be required contact details and payment. This information may include, but is not limited to, your name, address, email address, telephone number, payment details and other information necessary to process your orders.

Payment service providers: Through ARTEESCUELA.COM, you can access, through links, to third party websites, such as PayPal, seQura or RedSys, to make payments for the services provided by ARTEESCUELA.COM. At no time does ARTEESCUELA.COM staff have access to any bank account information (e.g. credit card number) that you provide to such third parties.

The user: accepts that all personal data will be transferred in its entirety to seQura from the moment the user has initiated the contracting of the deferred payment service offered by the latter at the time of choosing the form of payment. This acceptance extends to third parties who may need to access the files for the proper performance of the contract.

The user accepts that all his personal data will be fully disclosed to third parties from the moment the user has initiated the contracting of the deferred payment service offered by the latter at the time of choosing the payment method.

This acceptance extends to third parties who may need to access the files for the proper performance of the contract.

The management of this data allows us to:

  • Send you important information about your account/order/service.
  • Respond to your requests, complaints and refund requests.
  • Process payments and avoid fraudulent transactions.
  • Set up and manage your account, provide you with technical and customer service, and verify your identity

In addition, we may also collect the following information:

  • Location and traffic data (including IP address and browser) if you place an order.
  • Product pages visited and content viewed while your session is active.
  • Your comments and product reviews if you choose to leave them.
  • Essential cookies to keep track of the contents of your cart while your session is active.
  • Your account email and password to allow you to access your account, if you have one.
  • If you create an account we store your name, address and phone number for future orders.

To whom are we going to communicate your data?

We inform you that ARTEESCUELA.COM will not transfer your data to any entity, unless legally obliged to do so.

What are your data protection rights?

How to exercise your rights

You can send a written communication to the registered office of ARTEESCUELA.COM or to the e-mail address indicated in the heading of this legal notice, including in both cases a photocopy of your ID card or other similar identification document, to request the exercise of the following rights:

  • Right to request access to personal data: you can ask ARTEESCUELA.COM if this company is processing your data.

  • Right to request their rectification (in case they are incorrect) or deletion.

  • Right to request the limitation of their treatment, in which case they will only be kept by ARTEESCUELA.COM for the exercise or defense of claims.

  • Right to oppose to the treatment: ARTEESCUELA.COM will stop treating the data in the way you indicate, unless for compelling legitimate reasons or the exercise or defense of possible claims they have to continue to be treated.

  • Right to data portability: in case you want your data to be processed by another firm, ARTEESCUELA.COM will facilitate the portability of your data to the new data controller.

  • Possibility to withdraw consent: if you have given consent for a specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw it at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

How to complain to the Control Authority:

If you consider that there is a problem with the way in which ARTEESCUELA.COM is handling your data, you can address your complaints to the ARTEESCUELA.COM Security Manager (indicated above) or to the corresponding data protection authority, being the Spanish Data Protection Agency, the one indicated in the case of Spain.

Right to be forgotten and access to your personal data

At any time you have the right to review, retrieve, anonymize and/or delete, in whole or in part, the data stored on the Website. Just send an email to and request it.

Retention of personal data

  • Disaggregated data: Disaggregated data will be retained without a deletion period.
  • Data of the customers of the online store: The period of conservation of personal data will vary depending on the service that the Customer contracts in our online store. In any case, it will be the minimum necessary, and may be maintained until:
    • 4 years: Law on Infractions and Penalties in the Social Order (obligations regarding affiliation, registrations, cancellations, contributions, payment of salaries…); Arts. 66 et seq. General Tax Law (accounting books…);
    • 5 years: Art. 1964 Civil Code (personal actions without special time limit)
    • 6 years: Art. 30 Commercial Code (accounting books, invoices…)
    • 10 years: Art. 25 Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act.
  • Newsletter subscriber data: From the time the user subscribes until the user unsubscribes.
  • User data uploaded by ARTEESCUELA.COM to pages and profiles on social networks: Since the user gives his consent until he withdraws it.

Modification of the Privacy Policy – RGPD

ARTEESCUELA.COM reserves the right to modify its privacy and data protection policy in order to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence, as well as those that may arise from existing standard codes on the subject, or by strategic corporate decisions. In such cases, ARTEESCUELA.COM will announce on this page the changes introduced with reasonable notice before their implementation.


If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact ARTEESCUELA.COM by e-mail to


Before using the Services offered by Escuela Digital Nueva Generación SL, hereinafter, you agree to read and accept the following Terms and Conditions:

These general conditions of use of regulate the use and access to the website owned by Escuela Digital Nueva Generación SL.

Acceptance of these conditions implies a binding contractual relationship between you and

Please note that access to the platform implies knowledge and acceptance of the following conditions. In addition, by registering as a user, you agree to fully comply with this agreement and acknowledge that you are fully informed of all the provisions contained herein. If you do not accept all the terms of these conditions, you will not be able to continue with the subscription process and you will not be able to use the services offered by Escuela Digital Nueva Generación SL through this tool.

These rules have been adopted in accordance with the legislation to guarantee the freedom of users, as well as a quality Internet service.

In order to use the platform, the user must give express consent for the processing of personal data.

Likewise, all registered users guarantee that the personal data provided are true and accurate and undertake to notify Escuela Digital Nueva Generación SL of any change or modification thereof.

Escuela Digital Nueva Generación SL reserves, without being obliged to do so, the right to request any official information in order to verify the veracity of the personal data provided.

In the event that a registered user provides false, inaccurate or incomplete data or, if Escuela Digital Nueva Generación SL has reasonable grounds to doubt its veracity, it may deny access and present and future use of the platform and cancel any current contract without prejudice to initiate the corresponding legal actions.

Subscription Policy

These General Conditions of Subscription (hereinafter, the CONDITIONS) regulate the contractual relationship between Escuela Digital Nueva Generación SL and the subscriber (whether natural or legal person) who contracts a subscription (hereinafter, the SUBSCRIBER or SUBSCRIBERS) to Escuela Digital Nueva Generación SL These CONDITIONS may be modified at any time, informing the subscriber by ordinary mail, e-mail or notice on the website of Escuela Digital Nueva Generación SL.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Object

The purpose of this document is to establish the CONDITIONS that will be applicable to the SUBSCRIBER, from the moment of sending the form established for this purpose by Escuela Digital Nueva Generación SL to request the subscription (hereinafter the Subscription Form) to Escuela Digital Nueva Generación SL, it being understood that from that moment onwards the SUBSCRIBER consents to the subscription contract.

  1. Contracting parties

On the one hand, Escuela Digital Nueva Generación SL, whose main activity is the development of educational media, and on the other hand, the SUBSCRIBER.

  1. Subscription contracting

The subscription to Escuela Digital Nueva Generación SL can only be contracted by persons over 18 years of age, with sufficient capacity to contract, in their own name and right or in the name of the legal entity they represent with sufficient power of attorney.

All persons contracting the subscription shall be considered, for the purposes of the contracts described herein, as consumers.

By subscribing to Escuela Digital Nueva Generación SL and in exchange for the economic consideration established in the subscription form according to the subscription modality contracted, the SUBSCRIBER will receive the contracted offer. Product offers that are promoted upon payment of an additional price will not be part of the subscription.

  1. Subscription to Ediciones Prensa Libre S.L.

To proceed with the subscription of Escuela Digital Nueva Generación SL. it will be necessary for the interested party to fill out the Subscription Form in which various personal data are collected, which he/she will provide freely and voluntarily.

Escuela Digital Nueva Generación SL. guarantees compliance with the regulations on Data Protection, specifically, the Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5, 2018, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (hereinafter, LOPDGDD) and its regulations. Escuela Digital Nueva Generación SL has the necessary security measures to ensure security and confidentiality in the processing of personal data subject to the LOPDGDD. When the interested party requests to become a subscriber of Escuela Digital Nueva Generación SL, their personal data will be incorporated into a file, duly registered in the General Register of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, owned by Escuela Digital Nueva Generación SL, and whose purpose is to maintain the business relationship with the SUBSCRIBER.

At any time, the SUBSCRIBER may exercise his/her rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the processing of his/her personal data by sending a communication to Escuela Digital Nueva Generación SL, either by sending an e-mail message to the e-mail address indicating the subject, or by sending a letter to the address: Calle Jerónimo del Moral 15, 2ºC-D, 28350, Ciempozuyelos, Madrid, indicating on the envelope “Customer Service Department”. In any case, a photocopy of the DNI, NIE or equivalent document must be provided and the right requested must be specified.

The SUBSCRIBER declares that each and every one of the data and information provided is true, and Escuela Digital Nueva Generación SL reserves the right to exclude from the subscription any SUBSCRIBER who has provided false data, without prejudice to the actions that may be applicable by law.

Likewise, the SUBSCRIBER declares that he/she knows and accepts, in its entirety, the CONDITIONS that will govern between the parties from the moment the subscription to Escuela Digital Nueva Generación SL is contracted.

  1. Conditions and content of the offer reserves the right to modify and/or add services included in the different subscription modalities, as long as it notifies the subscriber with reasonable notice. The modifications will affect new SUBSCRIBERS as of the beginning of the contracting and the SUBSCRIBERS already active at the time of the change of conditions, as of the moment their subscription is renewed.

In the event that decides to cancel any service for business or other reasons, it must notify the subscriber who is affected, with reasonable notice, in order to give him/her the opportunity to cancel the subscription if he/she wishes, without any additional cost to him/her.

Subscription to will begin at the end of the subscription process on the website.

  1. Fees and payments

The price of each type of subscription and the different forms of payment will be clearly stated in the Subscription Form. Any change that may make in the subscription modalities and/or in the payment methods will be published in this Web and informed to the subscribers with reasonable notice. The modifications will affect new SUBSCRIBERS as of the beginning of the contracting and the SUBSCRIBERS already active at the time of the change of conditions, as of the moment their subscription is renewed.

The prices indicated always include the applicable taxes according to the SUBSCRIBER’s tax residence.

The SUBSCRIBER shall pay the corresponding fee through the means selected from among those indicated, and the charge shall be made, in general, at the beginning of the subscription. The SUBSCRIBER agrees to pay for the subscription to and accepts that, if it is not possible for to invoice and/or collect payment, the requested subscription will not be granted or will be cancelled if it is active.

In addition, in case of non-payment, reserves the right to take the necessary legal measures in order to comply with the financial obligations arising from the subscription contract. may, whenever it deems it necessary, modify the subscription rates. The changes in the rates will affect new SUBSCRIBERS from the beginning of the contract and the SUBSCRIBERS already active at the time of the change of conditions, from the moment their subscription is renewed.

  1. Subscription term will inform of any change in the price and/or in the type/s of subscription, prior to its processing and with reasonable notice, so that the SUBSCRIBER, in the event that he/she does not wish to continue with such subscription, may proceed to its cancellation.

If the SUBSCRIBER does not wish to contract the subscription for an indefinite period, it shall be sufficient for him to make this known at any time during the term of his subscription, in order to modify such term.

  1. Subscription cancellation

The cancellation of the subscription will not imply, at any time, the reimbursement of the amounts that the SUBSCRIBER had paid as consideration for the subscription to These amounts are non-refundable.

To proceed with the cancellation, when the contracted subscription allows it, the SUBSCRIBER must access his/her user profile and unsubscribe from the control panel enabled for this purpose. In case of doubt or technical difficulty, you can contact our customer service email requesting the same and / or we will help you in everything you need.

  1. Modification of subscription

The SUBSCRIBER may modify the contracted subscription at any time as long as such subscription permits during the term of the subscription. The modification of the subscription will not imply, at any time, the reimbursement of the amounts that the SUBSCRIBER would have paid as consideration for the subscription to These amounts are non-refundable.

  1. Intellectual Property

All contents of are the exclusive property of constitutes a work protected by the legislation on Intellectual Property so it may not be reproduced, distributed, transformed or communicated publicly in any form, except for personal use by the SUBSCRIBER.

Likewise, the SUBSCRIBER may not duplicate, sell, resell or exploit in any way the contents of reserves the right to take appropriate legal action against those who violate this clause.

  1. Termination of the contract reserves the right to terminate this contract with those subscribers who contravene the provisions of these CONDITIONS, without the possibility of reimbursement if payment has been made. only undertakes to refund the subscription price in those cases in which the subscriber’s cancellation is due to an incident attributable to and that it has not been able to solve.

  1. Document

The contract document between the SUBSCRIBER and is composed of the present CONDITIONS and accepted in the subscription form with your personal and payment data.

The SUBSCRIBER has the possibility to print or store these CONDITIONS.

  1. Applicable law and jurisdiction

This agreement shall be interpreted and governed in accordance with Spanish law. and the subscriber agree to try to resolve, in an amicable manner, any disagreement that may arise in the development of the contracted service, prior to going to the jurisdiction contemplated.

To this effect, the parties, expressly waiving any jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid.