How to Make a Certificate of Authenticity for a Painting

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Hello, Artenauta! Are you considering selling your works? Do you know what the certificate of authenticity of a work is? In the following lines we explain what this document is for and help you to draft one.

The certificate of authenticity of a painting is a document that certifies that the work was made by you, avoiding risks such as forgery of your paintings. It also serves as a sales receipt, securing the transaction between buyer and seller.

In the event that your works increase in value over time, the certificate of authenticity serves to trace their provenance, thus demonstrating the increase in value.

Would you like to know how to write a certificate of authenticity? We tell you how to do it

How to write a certificate of authenticity

Knowing what this document is and what it is for, let’s see what information it should contain:

  1. Artist’s name (in the header of the document)
  2. Title of the work
  3. Year completed
  4. Measurements of the work
  5. Technique used for its realization
  6. Support
  7. Edition number (if applicable)
  8. Image of the work
  9. Declaration of authenticity, where in about two lines you state the authenticity of the work and that only you own the rights to it.
  10. Date and signature
certificado de autenticidad

We hope you found this post useful and, from now on, you will be able to write your own certificates of authenticity for your works.

To go deeper into this subject, as well as to learn everything you need to know, in the right way, and master painting and drawing, we recommend you our Painting Course, where we teach you all the techniques and materials you need to know to become a true artist, finding and developing your own style and getting as far as you propose.

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