How to draw a snowman for coloring

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Hello, artenauta! Given the dates in which we find ourselves and that we now have the little ones at home, we want to propose a very easy and fun activity to do with them: to draw a snowman, for painting it later, step by step.

As you will see, the same decomposition into simple shapes that we have done to draw the snowman, you can do it with any other Christmas object you can think of (a Santa Claus, a Christmas tree…). Let your creativity flourish and you will find a very entertaining way to decorate the house and enjoy these days with your family.

Step 1. Draw a large circle, which will be the lower part of the doll's body:

How to draw a snowman for coloring

Step 2. On top of the previous circle, draw another one, a little smaller, which will correspond to the upper part of the doll's body:

How to draw a snowman for coloring

Step 3. We add all the details that we want to give to our doll: eyes, mouth, carrot nose, hat...

Let your imagination run wild! We have decided to put a top hat, but you can put a wool hat, a Christmas hat, reindeer antlers… Play and experiment until you get the result you are looking for (children usually have very good ideas).

How to draw a snowman for coloring

Step 4. We color the doll to our liking and, voilà, all that's left is to give it a name and find the place in the house we want to decorate with it.

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We hope you found this idea as fun and useful as we did and that you enjoy creating your Christmas artwork.

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