How to Draw a Bird Step by Step

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Hello, Artenauta! Do you want to learn how to draw a bird? Today we show you how to do it in a very simple way, step by step.

At the end of this entry we propose a series of exercises, ordered from the lowest to the highest level of difficulty, in which we explain how to achieve results step by step with other animals.

As you will see, even the most complex image can be drawn in a simple way with the right technique, following a few simple steps. Here we go!

How to Draw a Bird

  1. As always, the first thing to do is to look at our model, analyzing it in order to decompose the image into simple geometric shapes:
    • In our case, we are going to simplify the body and head of the bird with a pair of ovals, paying attention to their direction and inclination.
    • We draw a trapezoid for the tail. how to draw birds step by step
  2. We fit with shapes, also very basic, the rest of the parts of our bird: we will add two triangles, one for the beak and one for the wing, and a leg. drawing birds
  3. We add the branch and the eye, which can serve as a guide for the following steps. how to draw birds
  4. Now we outline, adjusting the drawing better to our model. To do this, we will look closely at where we need to modify the line. drawing birds step by step
  5. Finally, we delineate and refine the details to get our bird as a result. How to Draw a Bird Step by Step

How to Draw Animals Step by Step

We propose a series of exercises that will help you to acquire practice and improve your results. Click here and we will explain how to make each of them step by step:

Drawing is one of the most complex practices that exist in the art world, but with the right knowledge and work, you will be able to master it.

For learn how to draw people like a professional, in a gradual way and adapted to your rhythm and time availability, we recommend you to visit our Painting and Drawing Coursewhere we teach you all the concepts, drawing techniques and materials for you to become a true artist, finding and developing your own style and getting to where you propose.

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