Completing lessons

Here you will find general tips on how to progress through the courses, what types of lessons there are, how they are completed and what the deliverables consist of. Navigate from the table of contents or scroll down to find solutions.

Table of Contents

How do the courses work? courses are organized around a structure composed of modules, themes and lessons:

What types of lessons can I find in the courses?

You will find a variety of lessons within the courses. Each type of lesson will propose different types of content and a series of differentiated actions to be completed.

This is the general classification of the lessons you will find:

Tip: You will easily distinguish the practice lessons and the practice delivery lessons because we will let you know with their name and other indications.

How are the different lessons completed?

Completing the lessons is fundamental to guarantee your progress within the course, as well as being the best way to facilitate your follow up.

Each type of lesson requires a differentiated set of actions to be completed effectively. As a general rule, the lessons are completed according to the following scheme:

Do I have to complete the lessons in a certain order?

As long as they are available, you can complete the lessons randomly, although we strongly recommend that you respect the order we suggest. The program we have designed is designed so that your progress is based on a good foundation that would not be possible if for any reason you skip a class.

Tip: Remember that as a student of the school, you have the possibility to repeat lessons whenever you need to. It is often a good idea to review a completed lesson to refresh concepts or approach the topic from a new perspective.

What does the internship consist of?

Whenever your teacher suggests you to do some practice, he/she usually expects a graphic document reflecting your work done within the proposal. This means that we will usually require a photo so that the teaching staff can evaluate it.

The delivery of practices will be done in lessons that we have enabled for this purpose and where you will also find the instructions for uploading them to the platform.

What do the attached materials consist of?

The annexed materials are complementary files attached to a specific lesson that can be used either to expand the theoretical information of the explanatory content or as material and proposals for the realization of a practice. As a general rule, these attachments will consist of PDF files or image formats.

Tip: Whenever you find a lesson with accompanying materials , we will indicate this in some way in the lesson itself and give you instructions for downloading.

Do I have to remember where I left off to pick up the course later?

Not at all. In addition to being able to easily distinguish incomplete lessons in the course index, we have included a button on your student page for this purpose so that you don’t have to keep track of the last lesson completed.

You will find this button under your active courses with the name “Resume course”.

How can I contact the teacher?

You can contact the teacher by sending an e-mail to Our teaching team will try to get back to you as soon as possible.


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