Electric blue

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Hello, artenauta! We are going to dedicate this entry to one of the most popular colors, both in clothing and decoration and, of course, in the artistic world: electric blue.

Here we are going to show you a series of facts about electric blue, which you may not have known before, and show you how to obtain it by mixing other colors. Let’s get to it!

Curiosities about electric blue

azul electrico
Monochrome bleu sans titre - Yves Klein. Imagen extraída de Wikiarts

How to make electric blue

We must remember that electric blue as such is a name we give colloquially to a shade of blue (such as baby blue or chicken yellow), so it does not exist in the color chart. In the color chart we can find pigments such as:

In this case, to achieve a shade very similar to electric blue, through the mixture of several pigments, we would opt for:

If you want to know much more about color theory, learning what are complementary tones, broken tones… we recommend you to read our post about Color Theory. But if you want to learn how to mix tones like a professional, getting the results you need for your works, visit our Painting Course.

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