15 Phrases about creativity

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Hello, artenauta! Are there times when you don’t know what to paint? Do you ever find that you lack new ideas to work with? Would you like to know how some great historical figures who stood out in different areas have defined creativity?

There are moments when we have the feeling that we always do the same thing, that our works are similar to those of other artists or those we have done before. Then we began to consider the need to do something new, to create.

We all suffer from blockages, but creativity is a process that we can work on to make ideas come to us more easily each time. One of the most important aspects, in order to develop creativity, is to put aside fears, prejudices and perfectionism.

Here are 15 famous quotes about creativity that are sure to inspire you:

Phrases about creativity

  1. Creativity is intelligence having fun. Albert Einstein
  2. Every child is an artist, the problem is to remain an artist when you grow up. Pablo Picasso.
  3. Don’t be afraid of perfection, you will never reach it. Salvador Dalí.
  4. Learn the rules like a pro so you can break them like an artist. Pablo Picasso.
  5. Creativity is not wasted. The more you use, the more you have. Maya Angelou.
  6. Old age is a hindrance to creativity, but it cannot crush my youthful spirit. Rembrandt.
  7. Where life builds walls, intelligence opens a way out. Marcel Proust.
  8. The main enemy of creativity is good taste. Pablo Picasso.
  9. A hunch is creativity trying to tell you something. Frank Capra.
  10. The best way to have a good idea is to have many ideas. Linus Pauling.
  11. The essence of creativity is not to be afraid to fail. Edwin Herbert Land.
  12. The creation process is a process of delivery and not of control. Julia B. Cameron.
  13. Creativity is the result of hard and systematic work. Peter F. Drucker.
  14. To be creative is not to accept anything second-hand. Agnes de Mille.
  15. A good idea is all that is needed to achieve success. Napoleon Hill.

As you will see, these are phrases full of wisdom, the result of many years of experience and work. We hope they inspire you and help you find your artistic path, working on your creativity to develop it and let new ideas flow, losing your fear and allowing you to go as far as you want to go.

In addition to creativity, it is very important to have a good knowledge of all the techniques and materials to know when and how to use them and to achieve satisfactory results, avoiding undesired effects that may frustrate us. In our Online Course of Painting and Drawing we teach you everything you need to know to become a true artist and you can get to where you propose.

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